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Location: HQ
Date: October 12, 2020
Over £11,000 raised in the London Marathon image

Last week we were proud to cheer on our team of Smart Works runners in the 2020 London Marathon.

Pounding the pavements for 26.2 miles over the course of 24 hours, five runners raised an incredible £11,000 for our charity.

This money will be vital in helping us to support more women across the UK with our coaching and clothing service.

Sarah, one of our brave runners, said:

“I’ve been an interview coach at Smart Works for 9 years so I’ve seen first hand the little miracles that happen when a client arrives at the office feeling a range of emotions and nerves.  I’ve seen how she is welcomed warmly, embraced by the collective sense of sisterhood, gently and respectfully taken care of throughout her appointment. I’ve also seen the transformation in clients made possible by a combination of the right clothes, skilfully and sensitively chosen, and the enthusiasm and belief shown by the interview coaches.

Our clients leave looking and feeling very different. Heads held high, still a little nervous perhaps but shining with confidence and self belief.  And that’s how they go on to get the job.

So I’m running and challenging myself to do something hard because I’ve been privileged to listen to many clients who have shared their stories about what’s been hard for them and how they have overcome those obstacles.  And I will too, in my own small way.”

A huge thank you to Sarah, Ella, Kate, Marina, and Nicola, and everyone who cheered them on. You’re an inspiration to us all.