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Location: HQ
Date: July 15, 2020
Moving forward and keeping our clients safe image

During March we had to close our centres to clients, something we never thought we would do. We knew there would still be a demand for our service, so we have been offering clients phone coaching and packages of high-quality workwear delivered to their door.

Now, we are so pleased to announce that as of Monday 6th July our centres are once again open to clients.

We have taken every precaution in line with Government guidelines to ensure the Smart Works experience remains safe whilst retaining our special Smart Works magic that helps clients feel like the best version of themselves.

Before a client arrives at the centre for her appointment, we ensure she is showing no symptoms of Coronavirus. The dressing and waiting rooms are thoroughly cleaned before her arrival and throughout her appointment our volunteers wash their hands. We provide masks generously donated by our partner The Fold and we ask that everyone maintains social distancing.

We have been very grateful to receive hundreds of clothing and accessories, donated by kind individuals and we ensure these items are free of any contamination by leaving them untouched in our centres for 72 hours before offering them to clients to help them look good on the outside and feel good on the inside.

As we move into this next phase, we are excited to help women across London re-discover their self-worth from within our centres and help inspire their journey back into employment.